Thank you for your support – have a great summer

By Jason McKeown

It seems inevitable that expectation and excitement levels are going to creep up over the summer. Bradford City ended a difficult season in much finer fettle. With a healthy season ticket uptake, settled retained list and a weaker-looking League Two in 2024/25, it’s going to be very easy to convince ourselves that long overdue success could be ours at last.

With the distraction of the Euros (boo, no Wales!) we should be able to relax this close season, look forward to pre-season friendly announcements, wait eagerly for new signings to come through the door, and maybe even hear from our publicity shy chairman. There will be a new set of kits to argue over. The publishing of the fixture list. Recent frustrations will begin to fade, with lots of postivity to embrace.

At WOAP, we will grow as giddy as the rest of you. But we’ll do it with our feet up for a bit, as we take a summer break. Last year we didn’t publish anything for five weeks over the summer. We might go away a little bit longer this time, unless something dramatic happens. But either way, we will back soon. Recharged, and ready to write about the ups and downs of another Bradford City season.

In the meantime, thank you so much for your support for what we do. It was an interesting year producing WOAP content, with visits to the site higher than they’ve ever been. For those we upset, I’m sorry. We don’t ever want to alienate or drive people away. All we ever do is share our opinions. And like backsides, everyone’s got one. So please don’t ever take what we say too seriously. We are, at heart, idiots. And we get plenty wrong.

For those who have started reading/listening to our stuff, and those who have stuck by us, thank you. Thank you so much. We genuinely love what we do. And underpinning everything is a huge passion for this football club. A wish we all share for Bradford City to be successful.

Finally, a big personal thank you to everyone who contributes to WOAP. To Adam Raj, for all this brilliant away match reports. Tim Penfold and Alex Scott, for their hours of toil on the podcast and researching brilliant stats. Gareth Walker for his excellent social media work and reports. Jake Verity, a very welcome addition to our writing team. Luke Lockwood, Rob Wade, David Rusby, Andy Carr, Paul Askham, Ron Beaumont, Jim Nicholson, Alan Higgins, Nikhil Vekaria, James Chamley, John Dunn, and John Dewhirst.

I hope you have an amazing summer. And we will see you very soon.

Categories: Opinion


19 replies

  1. You will be much missed. There is no other online football institution like you. Your standards of reporting and analysis are unwavering high, and the level of impartiality – very rare in the partisan world of football – does you immense credit. Such high standards encourage and inspire a high level of intelligent comment and debate with none of the petty posturing and internecine disputations that are regrettable features of other sites. I hope you and indeed all your writers and readers have a good summer.

    • Why three thumbs down? There are several more thumbs down to this article and I would love to know who gave this negative response to articles which were 100% positive. Please respond, I am genuinely puzzled and would appreciate an insight to the workings of your very special intellects.

  2. Well done guys. Enjoy your break and keep up thegood work when you return

  3. enjoy your summer all of you. Been a pleasure reading WOAP Posts.
    Up the flipping chickens.

  4. In addition to the things you’ve listed to look forward to, I’ll add to that the return of your reporting and analysis. Have a good summer


  5. a brilliant site , great write ups , long may it continue. ps don’t apologise for giving your opinion. Ever .

  6. thank you so much for your superb content and coverage.

    club website is bland, T&A is facile. Width of the post gets it spot on.

    rest up and come back as strong as ever – you are an integral part of my season.

  7. thank you to you guys…you bring so much

  8. Big thanks to you Jason and all the team! Without being too cringe, as the kids say, following a match, the WoaP website is my first port of call and I will check from the evening to see if the match review has been published yet.

    I would say that WoaP has replaced the T&A for me, as my main source of Bradford City content. Be interesting to know if other City fans feel the same?

    This wasn’t always the case, between 10-16 years ago I would regularly buy the T&A print copies following matches, one of the motivating factors was so I could see the player ratings and then I moved to mainly just reading their online articles but following the implementation of the restricted article viewing and ultimately the subscription, I now rarely even think of going on the T&A website. This isn’t for any animosity towards the T&A or out of protest of the subscription, I do generally like Simon Parker, but, I just don’t want to pay a monthly fee.

    I think it says a lot to WoaP’s quality and reliability that it has become such a good source of City analysis and discussion. Also, to the point, where personally, it has replaced the T&A for me; I would imagine I’m not alone but do wonder how many City fans no longer read the T&A and just come to WoaP?

    • Whilst WOAP is without doubt the best City related site, the T&A does sometimes have something worth reading, don’t forget it is not just about BCFC. The subscription offers are regularly £5 for 5 months so not expensive at all. Just remember to cancel when it runs out, they will then offer you the same deal.

      • I should have added, I do visit the T&A for general news stories but I meant purely from a football point of view. I don’t want to be too harsh on the T&A.

  9. Always quality whether you agree or not and I agree at 95% of the time.

    Thank you.

    We go again! 🙄

  10. Everyone has an opinion , you can agree with it or not but WOAP gives us the ability to have our say each and every week and i would like to add my thanks to you all for the work you do . Enjoy the rest guys , season will be upon us soon enough and we go again .

  11. Thanks for it all

  12. I really value WOAP and thank you all..

  13. A deserved break! Well done Jason.

  14. Thanks guys.

  15. brilliant site -true reporting